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TCNJ celebrates the class of 2022 

Over the course of eight ceremonies spanning Thursday, May 19 and Friday, May 20, 2022, 1,832 undergraduates and 344 graduate students turned their tassels and officially marked their place in The College of New Jersey’s class of 2022. 

Graduates from each of the college’s seven academic schools and master’s students from all disciplines walked across the stage in Lions Stadium — School of Science graduates and master’s students walked in the Recreation Center due to severe thunderstorms — to the applause and cheers of their proud families and friends. 

Many members of the class of 2022 started their journeys at TCNJ in 2018, at the same time as the college’s 16th president, Kathryn A. Foster.

“The fact of that timing allows me to say something that I have never before been able to say at a commencement and will never again be able to say in the future. And it is this: you are my class, and you will always have a special place in my heart,” Foster said to the graduates. 

Student representatives from each school delivered remarks to their classmates during their school’s ceremony, many affirming their readiness for the next phase of their lives thanks to their experiences at TCNJ. 

“Look at the changes we have already made as a class,” said public health major Seana Cleary. “We investigated the impact of policy on Black maternal mortality, worked to prevent power-based personal violence on campus, vaccinated a substantial part of New Jersey, and implemented solutions to local food insecurity.”

Members of the class of 2022 will go on to a variety of graduate school programs at schools like Princeton University, Duke University Law, Columbia University, the University of Michigan, and Rochester Institute of Technology, among others. They’re also heading into the workforce at places like Microsoft, Abbott Labs, AT&T, Cigna Health, Chubb, the state of New Jersey, various school districts, galleries and theaters in New York City, and the U.S. Department of Defense.

Video recordings of the commencement ceremonies are available at Photo galleries of the celebrations are available at



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