Name: Jazmine Ramirez
Hometown: Cresskill, NJ
Major: Graphic Design
Graduation Year: 2018
Could you tell us a little bit about your major and some of what you’re working on in your senior year?
Graphic design focuses on the visual aspects of basically everything around us, from advertisements to website design, mobile app design, packaging, and more. It’s truly a diverse field. Most of my senior year is dedicated to making my portfolio the best it can be. A lot of it is revisiting old assignments and modifying them since everything can always be improved.
Can you describe the work you do on campus as a graphic designer?
Most of my work on campus revolves around doing recruitment material. I work for the School of Arts and Communications doing fliers, postcards, banners, promotional cards, and more. For the Department of Art and Art History, I’ve done a lot of work revamping the department’s website to have the information organized and presented in a better format.
What’s a memorable experience you’ve had in the School of the Arts and Communication OR what does the School of the Arts and Communication mean to you?
I will never forget the wonderful connections I have made from people in my major and being able to share my love of the school with prospective students on Lion’s Days. The connections I have made here between both friends and professors cannot be described in words.
What advice can you offer incoming students in your major, or any department at TCNJ?
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and push yourself. This can be said for any department, but with the Art Department in particular, some of your best work or connections come from outside of your comfort zone.