Prospective Students are invited to join current ArtsComm Students for Two Exciting Conversations on Zoom:
What Can You Create in TCNJ School of the Arts and Communication?
Thursday, Oct. 7, 7 PM
Join our students on Zoom as they discuss infinite opportunities to engage in creative projects and research with faculty and peers. Bring your questions!
Platform: Zoom Event
Where Can You Intern in TCNJ School of the Arts and Communication?
Tuesday Oct. 26, 7 PM
Join our students on Zoom as they discuss internship and relevant work experiences within a variety of fields. Bring your questions!
Platform: Zoom
Plus! Tune into Our New Weekly Discover Series on Discord:
Discover Gaming and Design
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 7 PM
Join our students for an informal conversation on Discord. Bring your questions!
Platform: Discord
Discover Music and Theatre
Thursday, Oct. 21, 7 PM
Join our students for an informal conversation on Discord. Bring your questions!
Platform: Discord
Discover Digital Filmmaking and Media
Thursday, Nov. 4, 7 PM
Join our students for an informal conversation on Discord. Bring your questions!
Platform: Discord
Stay tuned for more Discord events!