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Future Lions! Connect with ArtsComm Virtually this Fall

Prospective Students are invited to join current ArtsComm Students for Two Exciting Conversations on Zoom:

What Can You Create in TCNJ School of the Arts and Communication?

Thursday, Oct. 7, 7 PM
Join our students on Zoom as they discuss infinite opportunities to engage in creative projects and research with faculty and peers. Bring your questions!
Platform: Zoom Event

Where Can You Intern in TCNJ School of the Arts and Communication?

Tuesday Oct. 26, 7 PM
Join our students on Zoom as they discuss internship and relevant work experiences within a variety of fields. Bring your questions!
Platform: Zoom

Plus! Tune into Our New Weekly Discover Series on Discord:

Discover Gaming and Design

Tuesday, Oct. 12, 7 PM
Join our students for an informal conversation on Discord. Bring your questions!
Platform: Discord

Discover Music and Theatre

Thursday, Oct. 21, 7 PM
Join our students for an informal conversation on Discord. Bring your questions!
Platform: Discord

Discover Digital Filmmaking and Media

Thursday, Nov. 4, 7 PM
Join our students for an informal conversation on Discord. Bring your questions!
Platform: Discord

Stay tuned for more Discord events!


School of the Arts and Communication
Art and Interactive Multimedia Building
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

