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A Message from the Dean

Dear ArtsComm Community,

I just stopped in to see the installation of our Artist-in-Residence’s paper sculptures and puppets, which is in AIMM 111 side gallery until March 2. Sebastienne Mundheim is the founder and director of White Box Theater, and her work is imaginative and visually stunning. I can’t wait for you to see the objects and some videos which show how these objects have been animated in theatrical performances in recent years. 

Our new Artist-in-Residence program is designed to advance an essential aspect of our school’s mission: to foster creativity. Sebastienne is bringing her exciting creative work to our gallery and also to our Black Box Theater when her group performs “Kea and the Ark” on March 1 and 2.  Through narration, puppetry, movement and electric cello, White Box tells the inspiring and true story of Kea Tawana, an artist who built a 20-ton, 3-story ark in Newark to protest the city’s urban development policies. Kea’s studied obsession was built with materials left behind by people who were pushed out by the city for “urban renewal.” She is a character you will never forget. I hope you will come out to see both the exhibition and performance, and enjoy the creative vision of our guests. 

I especially hope you will be inspired this spring to find your own unique ways to elevate creativity in our school. I look forward to your creative projects and creative scholarship, communicated through your ensembles and research posters, your screens and stations, in our labs and studios, and on our stages and in our newspaper.

And you don’t need to have a class assignment or our permission to take an instrument outside and play, to arrange a dance flash mob, to leave art surprises in any of our campus buildings, to tag “@tcnj_artscomm” on a great image or reel that we might share with our community on our social media platforms or to communicate information or arguments in unconventional ways or places. I have loved every single guerilla art experience I have come across anyone remember the Octopus’s Garden on a bathroom mirror in AIMM and welcome what else you might dream up!

Welcome to the Spring semester.  Help us make it a lively one.

Warm Regards,

Dean Barnett 


School of the Arts and Communication
Art and Interactive Multimedia Building
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

